Photo Gallery
US Stock Photo, featuring Paul O. Boisvert Photography, offers for sale creative image and digital photography through this online photo gallery. As a stock photo agency, images are available for sale in many categories, such as sports photos, creative nature pictures, scenic landscape photographs, aerial, Lake Champlain, farming, holiday, and fine art photography to mention a few. Be sure to access all the sub-categories in the sidebar to completely view our photo selection. To access our photo database enter your request in the dialog box on the upper left for automated search results. Use the shopping cart to purchase any of the photos on this site. Personal display prints and prices are available on our order page. Editorial, commercial, and studio photography services are also available by calling 802-985-8020. Click on each photo in the gallery to move through the site or to enlarge a picture once within an album. E-mail
Album: Aerial
Aerial photographs providing seasonal nature, landscape, and scenic photos
Album: Architecture
Architectural photographs, including interiors and exteriors from winter, spring, summer, and fall
Album: Art Photography
Fine Art Photography
Album: Burlington Vermont
Burlingtonl Vermont Area
Album: Churches
Church photographs, including interiors and exteriors from all the seasons.
Album: Events
Photojournalism, fairs, festivals, documentary photography and photos of annual events throughout the seasons.
Album: Farming
Farming and gardening photographs
Album: Flowers
Flower and garden photographs
Album: Food & Cooking
Food, cooking, restaurant, and event photographs
Album: Holidays
Holiday photos, including Christmas, Fourth of July, and other seasonal events.
Album: Lake Champlain
Lake Champlain Photographs
Album: Maple Sugaring
Maple Sugaring
Album: Panoramic
Panoramic, landscape, and scenic photographs from winter, spring, summer, and fall.
Album: People
People in photographs from all the seasons.
Album: Portfolio
Portfolio of photographs by Paul O. Boisvert
Album: Scenery
Scenic photography offering landscape, scenery, and nature photographs from all the seasons.
Album: Sports
Sports photography focusing on biking, fishing, kayaking, sailing, skating, skiing, plus more.
Album: Sunsets-Moonrise
Sunrise, sunset, and moonscape photographs from all seasons.
Album: Transportation
Transportation photographs showing cars, boats, trains, and ferries.
Album: Travel
Travel photography from various places throughout the world.
Album: Vermont
Pictures of Vermont towns and cities in winter, spring, summer, and fall.